Lafith Mattara

Extracting Image Tiles from Annotated Regions in Whole Slide Images: Using Python, Slideflow & OpenSlide

Whole Slide Images (WSIs) are increasingly used in digital pathology to provide high-resolution representations of tissue samples. Annotations within these images are crucial for identifying areas of interest for further analysis. This post goes through the process of extracting image tiles from annotated regions in WSIs using Slideflow and OpenSlide. The extracted tile dataset can be used for deep learning tasks, such as tile classification.


  1. Python
  2. Slideflow
  3. OpenSlide
  4. Openslide-Python


Since we are using Slideflow library the WSIs should be inside a folder named slides, with a subfolder rois containing annotation files. Annotation files should be in the CSV format described in the documentation.

import os
import shutil
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
import slideflow as sf

# .ndpi wsis require libvips
os.environ["SF_SLIDE_BACKEND"] = "libvips"

data_dir = "./data"
proj_dest = "sf_proj"
mag = "22.1x"
tile_data = f"tile_df_{mag}.csv"

# remove a slideflow project if already exists
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir,proj_dest)):

# create a slideflow project
sf_project = sf.create_project(

# specify tile size and magnification level
dataset = sf_project.dataset(

# extract dataframe with tile locations and labels
df = dataset.get_tile_dataframe(roi_method='inside')
df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,tile_data), sep=',', index=False)

# extract tiles as .png with reinhard normalization
_ = dataset.extract_tiles(
    randomize_origin = True,
    # max_tiles=1000,

Above can be used to extract all tiles from each WSI in the slides folder.

Slideflow + OpenSlide

I wanted to save the tiles into different rois/labels. So in this section I am using OpenSlide to extract tiles from the tile dataframe generated using Slideflow.

import os
import shutil
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
import slideflow as sf
from functools import partial
import time
from openslide import open_slide
from openslide.deepzoom import DeepZoomGenerator
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

os.environ["SF_SLIDE_BACKEND"] = "libvips"
os.environ["SF_BACKEND"] = "torch"

data_dir = "./"
proj_dest = "sf_proj"
tile_dest = "tiles"
mag = "22.1x"
tile_data = f"tile_data_{mag}.csv"

Following function uses OpenSlide for reading WSI file & DeepZoomGenerator for tile extraction.

def process_slide(slide_id, df, data_dir, tile_fd, level):
    start_time = time.time()
    slide_df = df[df['slide'] == slide_id]
    print(f"Starting to process slide: {slide_id}, shape: {slide_df.shape}")
    slide_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "slides", f"{slide_id}.ndpi")
    slide = open_slide(slide_path)
    tiles = DeepZoomGenerator(slide, tile_size=224, overlap=0, limit_bounds=False)
    print("extracting from level ", level)
    new_level = tiles.level_count - level - 1
    M = slide_df.shape[0]
    tiles_processed = 0
    for _, row in slide_df.iterrows():
        x, y = row['grid_x'], row['grid_y']
        label = row['label']
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(data_dir, tile_fd, label), exist_ok=True)
        tile = tiles.get_tile(new_level, (x, y))
        tile_RGB = tile.convert('RGB')
        tile = np.array(tile_RGB)
        if tile.mean() < 230 and tile.std() > 15:
            tile_id = f"{slide_id}_{x}_{y}"
            im = Image.fromarray(tile)
  , tile_fd, label, f"{tile_id}.png"))
        tiles_processed += 1
        if tiles_processed % 10000 == 0:
            print(f"Slide {slide_id}: Processed {tiles_processed}/{M} tiles")

    end_time = time.time()
    processing_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f"Finished processing slide: {slide_id}")
    print(f"Total tiles processed for slide {slide_id}: {tiles_processed}")
    print(f"Time taken to process slide {slide_id}: {processing_time:.2f} seconds")
    return slide_id, tiles_processed, processing_time

Let's create the Slideflow project, generate the tile dataframe and use multiprocessing to distribute the workload across multiple CPU cores.

if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir,proj_dest)):

sf_project = sf.create_project(

dataset = sf_project.dataset(

df = dataset.get_tile_dataframe(roi_method='inside')
# df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_dir,tile_data), sep=',', index=False)

slide_ids = list(set(df['slide'].tolist()))
N = len(slide_ids)
print(f"Total number of slides: {N}")

# Create a partial function with fixed arguments
process_slide_partial = partial(process_slide, df=df, data_dir=data_dir, tile_fd=tile_dest,level=level)

# Use all available CPU cores except one
num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()-2
print(f"Using {num_processes} processes")

# Create a pool of workers
start_time = time.time()
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_processes) as pool:
    # Map the work to the pool
    results =, slide_ids)

end_time = time.time()
total_processing_time = end_time - start_time
total_tiles_processed = sum(result[1] for result in results)

print("\nProcessing complete.")
print(f"Total slides processed: {N}")
print(f"Total tiles processed: {total_tiles_processed}")
print(f"Total processing time: {total_processing_time:.2f} seconds")

# Print summary for each slide
print("\nPer-slide summary:")
for slide_id, tiles_processed, processing_time in results:
    print(f"Slide {slide_id}: {tiles_processed} tiles, {processing_time:.2f} seconds")

Date: 2024-10-02 Wed 00:00

Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.3)